Lyrics And Sense? - Vocabulary

  1. Handout the sheet with the lyrics and the sample definitions on it. Give the students a few minute to read the lyrics and underline the words they don’t understand. Students can take a long time on this so give them a definite time limit – I find it is effective to use a timer.
  2. Ask students which words they don’t understand, it helps to make a list on the board so that all students can feel they have been acknowledged, and also see if someone has already asked for a word they didn’t understand.
  3. The sample vocabulary words are my best guess at which words are most likely to not be understood. However these change every class and so I like to concentrate on the words the students identify and leave them to read the sample vocabulary words in their own time.
  4. Again have a set deadline for when this activity ends, otherwise it is easy to take the rest of the class discussing the nuances of different words and not complete the other activities.

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